> 学校概况 > 行车路线 |
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Direction: |
HuaXia South Chinese School resides in Marlboro High School (shown by the red marker on the map), which is located on Route 79 and is just south of Newman Springs Road (Rt 520). |
Driving Address: |
95 North Main Street, Marlboro, NJ 07746 |
You can also locate Marlboro High School by entering the above address into one of the internet map services. |
(Note: This address is for driving. Our postal address is: PO Box 410, Marlboro, NJ 07746 ) |
Parking: |
There are three entrances to the school campus. Please use the most northern entrance (3rd one from Rt 79 North) to get to our school. After you enter the school, you are required to park your car at the north parking lot (your right hand side). When the north parking lot is full, you can use the front parking lot (your left hand side). |