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2019-2020 Registration 学年注册
下学年注册将于6月6号晚上10点开放。提前注册将在7月12日结束. 部分课程名额有限,请大家用下面的链接抓紧注册。如果有问题,请联系校务长曹红 (。 Registration for the next school year will begin at 10pm on June 6. Early registration will end on July 12. Some courses have limited number of seats, please use the link below to register. If you have any questions, please contact the school administrator Connie Cao (

School Election Committee Announcement 选举委员会公告
华夏南部中文学校于6月1日下午举行 2019-2020 年度选举:共收到98张选票,赵巍校长以97票高票获得连任。在校董候选人中,廖山漫老师获得90票,于芳获得93票,王珍获得90票,当选董事。
Huaxia South Chinese School held the 2019-2020 election on the afternoon of June 1st: A total of 98 votes were received, and Principal Wei Zhao was re-elected with 97 votes. Among the candidates for the school board, Shanman Liao received 90 votes, Fang Yu received 93 votes, Zhen Wang received 90 votes. They were all elected as a director of the school board.

Mind Sports Tournament 智力运动会夺冠
5月19日,第十届华夏智力运动会在桥水分校举办。来自12所分校的250名的选手参加了19个项目的比赛。华夏南部48名选手在教练李海山,王峻和傅天翼,领队王露生,校长赵巍带领下,勇夺9金,以总分104分首次夺得团体冠军,实现了多年梦想。东部分校和爱迪生分校分别以63分和44分获得团体亚军和季军。赛场上,捷报频传。教练李海山蝉联成人中国象棋冠军,王峻蝉联段位围棋冠军,傅天翼蝉联成人国际象棋冠军。 康嘉怿获三四年级组国际象棋冠军,刘待为获学生中国象棋冠军,刘博文获青少年组国际象棋冠军,王玉兰获学生跳棋冠军,梁正强获九九围棋冠军, 江俊豪和岳文生获升级冠军。我们向选手们表示祝贺,也欢迎更多的学生与家长参与到我们的棋牌活动中来。 On May 19th, the 10th Huaxia Mind Sports Tournament was held at the Bridgewater branch. 250 players from 12 Huaxia branches participated in 19 events. Huaxia South's team of 48 players won 9 gold medals and the team championship for the first time with a total score of 104. The East Brunswick Branch and Edison Branch won the second and third places with 63 points and 44 points respectively.

School Election 校长和董事会选举
华夏南部中文学校即将举行2018-2019年度的校长和董事选举。 以下是董事会决定的有关选举的几项事宜,恳请各位家长注意,并希望大家积极参与,尽力支持。 竞选投票日为6月1日,具体的投票流程安排将由选举委员会讨论决定后公布。 参加竞选校长或董事会成员申请截止日为5月28日。本次选举将产生校长一名,董事3名。请将参选登记表下载填好后发送到。董事会委托卢欢和叶晶协调组织今年的选举工作,有意参加选举委员会帮助组织选举工作的家长,请尽快联系她们,或电。
Huaxia South Chinese School will hold the annual election of principal and board members. The election date is 6/1/2019. One principal and three board members will be elected. If you have interest, please download and fill the registration form and send to by 11:59 pm of May 28th, 2019. Board member Cathy Lu and Joyce Chau will be in charge of the election. If you want to join the Election Committee, please contact them, or email
校长参选表格 Principal Candidate Form 董事参选表格 Board Member Candidate Form

Annual BBQ Ticket Sales 年度BBQ 售票
年度烧烤本周家长会开始卖票,详情请与家长会会长赵昀联系。时间:6月1日周六 4:45PM - 7:30PM, 地点:Holmdel Park Top Hill, 票价:成人$12;儿童(12岁以下,含12岁) $8. Please stop by PTA desk to buy Annual BBQ tickets. Time:June 1st 4:45PM -7:30PM, Location:Holmdel Park Top Hill, Price: Adult $12; Kids(12 and under) $8

毕业典礼节目筹备 Prepare for Graduation Celebration
毕业季和欢庆季就在眼前,让我们准备一个精彩的毕业典礼来庆祝我们的成就吧!毕业典礼将在6月15日举行。请老师把节目报给家长会副会长秦颖老师 (。 报名时请包括节目中英文名称,表演者, 时间长度和配乐, 报名截止日期5月20日。 表演者原则上必须是2019春季注册学生,老师,义工或者出勤超过60%的TA。非本校师生员工参加表演,必须注册春季或秋季课程,或者赞助典礼。 The graduation ceremony will be held on June 15. Please submit the program to Qin Ying, the vice president of the Parent Teacher Association ( via email or WeChat. Please include the Chinese and English names, performers, length, and soundtrack. The deadline for registration is May 20th.

关于总统义工奖 About President's Volunteer Service Award
华夏南部于2019年2月被批准成为可以为志愿者验证义工服务时间并颁发美国“总统义工奖”的单位。总统义工奖(The President's Volunteer Service Award)是全美最高荣誉的义工服务奖,鼓励美国居民,特别是年轻一代为社区义务服务。有兴趣了解或者加入者,请和TA总监王晖( 联系。 请点击查看华夏南部中文学校总统义工奖章程(中文版)
Huaxia South Chinese School was approved as a certifying organization of President's Volunteer Service Award in February 2019. The award is a civil award bestowed by the President of the United States. It can be granted to individuals, families and organizations located throughout the United States. For more information, please contact TA Director Sarah Wang( Click for Huaxia South Chinese School President's Volunteer Award Regulations

Huaxia Mind Sports Tournament 华夏智力运动会
2019年华夏智力运动会将于5月19日在桥水分校举行,比赛项目有围棋、象棋、国际象棋、桥牌、五子棋、国际跳棋、升级和数独。 学校会负责报名费,免费提供 T-shirt和午餐,所有参赛青少年都将获得奖牌。 请点击查看报名文件
Huaxia Mind Sport Tournament will be hold at Bridge Water on 5/19/2019. The games include Go, Chess, Chinese chess, checkers, Wuziqi, Sudoku, Bridge and Pair Upgrade. Click here for more information.

华夏辩论赛 Debate Competition
今年的华夏总校南区辩论赛将于5月4日在南部分校举行。欢迎 4-9年级同学报名。 从2月23号起,每周第三节课在A103教室培训。详情请与廖山漫老师或者本班中文老师联系。 辩论主题:
A. 4-6年级: 应该限制孩子每天的手机使用时间 VS 不限制手机使用时间
B. 7-9年级: 华裔选中文做外语利大于弊 VS 弊大于利
2019 Huaxia Southern District Debate Competition will be held on May 4th at Huaxia South. All 4-9 grade students are welcome to join. The training will be held every week at 3:30PM at classroom A103, starting from February 23rd. For details, please contact Ms. Shanman Liao

教师招聘 Teacher Recruitment
南部分校常年招募中文老师和文化老师,特别是有双语教学经验和能力的老师。学校提供多种形式的培训与福利,欢迎热爱中文教育,有责任心,有爱心的人士加盟!有意者请发简历到 ,并与教务长龚蝉(中文老师)或者副校长汤海缨(文化老师)联系。 Huaxia South recruits Chinese teachers and cultural teachers all year round, especially teachers with bilingual teaching experience. The school offers a variety of training and benefits. If you are interested, please send resumes to

Photo Albums for 2019 Hua Xia Chinese New Year Performance & Celebration
The following Photo Albums are provided and shared by our school photographers, as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following link. Thanks XiaoFeng and Jeff!
华夏南部中文学校2019年中国春节联欢会 by XiaoFeng Lin(02/02/2019)
2019 HuaXia Chinese New Year Celebration by Jeff Wang(02/02/2019)

春节表演与聚餐 Chinese New Year Celebration
春节庆祝活动定于2月2日举行,大致安排是2:20-4:30 在礼堂文艺表演,5:00-6:30 在餐厅聚餐,6:00 以后有魔术师表演,抽奖,灯谜,小游戏等活动。从本周六开始,可以在 PTA 桌购买本次活动的餐票:成人$10,儿童$5。除非天气原因活动改期,将不予退票。 如有疑问,请与家长会会长赵昀联系。
Chinese New Year Celebration is scheduled for Saturday, Feb 2nd 2019, 2:00 -8:00PM at the Marlboro High School。The day will begin with cultural performances around 2:20PM at auditorium. Then dinner will held at cafeteria around 5:00PM followed by fun activities, including magician show, Chinese riddles and sweepstakes. The dinner tickets will be sold on PTA desk this Saturday, $10 for adult and $5 for children. Those tickets are non-refundable unless the celebration was canceled or changed to another day due to inclement weather.

迎新春壁画展 Chinese New Year Poster Exhibition
The annual poster exhibition held at the same time as the Chinese New Year celebration has been widely welcomed by parents and students. The theme of this year is: auspicious year of the pig, happy flying. Dean Jie Wang has prepared the paper and will be distributed to the students two weeks later. Please encourage and help your kids to come up with great works.

春季注册Spring Registration
春季课程注册将于12月14日左右开始。学校将继续开始成人双语班,舞蹈,声乐,绘画,武术,击剑,戏曲,瑜伽,塑身健美,中国结, 扯铃,诗词诵读, 辩论,机器人,数学,英文阅读,夕阳红等课程,详情请查看课程清单。欢迎尽早注册,12月29日之前免注册费。如有注册问题,请联系校务长曹红。
Spring registration will begin on December 14th. If you register before December 29th, the registration fee will be waived. Please review our class list for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Connie Cao at

华夏南部将在2月2日庆祝春节,让我们准备一台精彩热闹的舞台节目吧! 请老师们通过邮件或者微信把节目报给家长会副会长秦颖老师(。报名时请包括节目中英文名称,表演者, 时间长度和配乐, 报名截止日期为1月10日。表演者原则上必须是2018秋季注册学生,老师, 义工或者出勤超过60%的TA。
Huaxia South will celebrate the Chinese New Year on February 2nd, let us prepare a lively stage show! Please submit the program to the Vice President of the PTA, Qin Ying ( via email or WeChat. Please include the Chinese and English names, performers, length of time and soundtrack. The deadline for registration is January 10.

演讲比赛 Speech Contests
一二三年级在11月17号举办了演讲比赛,选拔出以下同学代表南部参加明年1月5号在东部分校举办的总校演讲比赛,感谢汪杰教务长和其他老师们的辛勤劳动, 预祝同学们得到锻炼并取得好成绩。一年级 龚泽欢 谢佳佳 Aiden Wan, 二年级 王梓琪 刘黎薇 谭文浩, 三年级 黄莎菲 陈章兴 苏美童
We had a successful Speech & Recitation tournament on Nov 17. We are so proud of all the participants. The three winners from each grade will represent our school to go to the HQ tournament. Thanks to Vice Dean Judy Wang, all the other deans and teachers for making this happen.

很受孩子们欢迎的由家长会和助教联合组织的图书(中英文)捐赠和义卖活动,今年将从周六(11/10)开始, 持续3周到12月的第一周。欢迎大家将家里不需要的、状态良好的图书带到家长会值班台,会有专人负责收集。义卖剩余的图书将捐助到需要图书的非赢利性机构和学校。

11th Annual Marlboro Multicultural Day
This year's Annual Marlboro Multicultural Day will be held on Sunday, Nov. 18, from 1 to 5 PM, at Marlboro High School. Your are welcomed to join the celebration! Click here for details.

祝贺 Congratulations! 第20届华夏田径运动会精彩回顾
第20届华夏田径运动会于10月14日在普兰斯堡分校举行。南部分校在总领队赵昀,总教练许榕凯, 以及王露生,黄志一,汪蔚等人的带领下派出近80人的运动员和裁判义工队伍,夺得两金八银七铜,荣获团体总分第三名! The 20th Huaxia Field & Track Game was held at Plainsboro on October 14th. Under the leadership of Yun Zhao, Rongkai Xu, Lusheng Wang, Judy Huang, and Wei Wang, Huaxia South won two gold, eight silver and seven bronze medals, and the Third Place in total score, the best record in history! 运动会精彩回顾 Game Photos , 奖牌榜 Rank & Score

演讲比赛 Speech Contests
学校将于11/17 举办一、二、三年级校内演讲比赛。比赛以年级为单位,比赛内容自选,每个年级将选出三名同学参加总校 1/5/19 在东部分校的演讲比赛。 时间和地点:11/17第三节课,地点由各年级老师通知。 参赛要求:主题明确、词汇丰富、表情自然、吐字清楚、仪态大方,不能有背景音乐。如有问题请与教务长汪杰老师联系(。 Our school will hold the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade in-school speech contests on 11/17. The competition is based on the grade level. The content of the competition is self-selected. Each grade will select only three students to participate in the speech contest on Jan 5th, 2019, at East Brunswick. Time and place: Held on the third class of 11/17, and the location will be notified by the teachers of each grade. Entry requirements: clear theme, rich vocabulary, natural expression, clear words, generous manners, no background music. Please contact Judy Wang if you have any questions(

《小语世界》征稿 Calls for Student Essays
侨报《小语世界》第一期征稿: 面向1年级-AP班。第一期将重点选用6-AP年级学生作品, 截稿时间:2018年12月1日。有图的作品,原件交给老师,转交给教务长廖山漫老师,其他文字,一律送廖老师的邮箱( 并注明标题:XXX 班级, XXX 名字。 详情请看说明。 The Overseas Chinese Newspaper Qiao Bao calls for articles. The first phase will focus on the selection of 6-AP grade students' works. The deadline is December 1, 2018. For more information, please contact your Chinese teacher or Ms. Liao Shanman at

第35届 Marlboro Day
9月16号是第35届 Marlboro Day。 华夏南部家长会在现场场摆摊设点,介绍学校,推广中国文化。请看林晓风记录的 精彩瞬间。Sept.16th was the 35th Marlboro Day. Huaxia South PTA set up a booth to introduce the school and promote Chinese culture. Here are the Photos taken by Mr. Xiaofeng Lin. Thanks Xiaofeng!

第18届华夏总校田径运动会 The 18th HQ Sports Game
第 18 届华夏田径运动会将于 2018 年 10 月 14 日(星期日)在普兰斯堡分校举 行。欢迎师生与家长们参加。您可以在 网站报名 请选择学校:Marlboro; 填写团队密码:HXSCS。 The 18th Huaxia Field & Track Game will be held at Plainsboro on October 14th, 2018 (Sunday). Huaxia South Chinese School will participate. You can register at website Please select the school: Marlboro; fill in the team password: HXSCS.

新学年将于9月8号周六下午开学 New School Year starts on Sept. 8
2018-2019学年将于9月8号周六下午开学。由于当天高中要举行ACT考试,所有课程包括中文课,文化课和俱乐部都推迟一小时,第一节课2:30开始。 如果您还没有注册,请尽快网上注册。 The new school year will start on Sep 8, 2018. We will follow a delayed opening schedule due to ACT exam at high school. The school session will be from 2:30PM - 5:20PM. Please register online if you have not done so.

FRHSD Referendum 2018
孟郡高中学区(FRHSD)提出对六所高中更新计划公投,投票时间是今年10月2日。希望大家届时踴跃投票。详情请访问相关网站,有任何疑问或者建议,请联系副校长沈惠民(917-364-3032), 她将代为转达。 Freehold Regional High School District will held a public referendum on Oct. 2 for the proposed facility improvements. Please visit the referendum site for more information. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Vice Principal Huimin Shen at 917-364-3032.

Photo Album for 2018 华夏中文学校南部分校毕业典礼
The following Photo Albums are provided and shared by our school photographers, as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following links. Thanks to Jeff and XiaoFeng!
HuaXia 2018 Graduation (06/16/2018) by Jeff Wang
华夏中文学校南部分校2018毕业典礼 (06/16/2018) by XiaoFeng Lin

2018-2019 Registration 新学年注册
2018-2019 新学年注册将从今晚10点(6月13日)开放。 7月13日之前注册者免注册费,请大家抓紧注册。如果有问题,请电邮
The registration system will be opened tonight 10PM (6/13/2018). For early registration (on or before 07/12/2018), registration fee is waived. If you have any questions, please email to

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
The latest and recent board meeting minutes including the tuition adjustment agreement are just posted. You can read them in the newsletter column or here: 06/10/2018, 05/05/2018, 02/24/2018, and 06/23/2017

2018-2019 华夏南部选举公告 School Election Result
首先感谢大家对这次选举活动的积极参与和支持。通过最后计票统计,校长候选人赵巍得75票。董事候选人叶晶得74票,董事候选人卢欢得66票,董事候选人高春华得50票。祝贺赵巍顺利当选南部校长, 祝贺叶晶,卢欢,高春华顺利当选南部董事。最后感谢选举委员会成员: 杨剑虹,王宇飞,刘大勇,陈小玲,姚峥,和其他对这次选举活动提供热心帮助的家长老师们。 (华夏南部中文学校2018-2019学年选举委员会 王剑卫)
Here's Huaxia South Chinese School election result for school year 2018-2019: Elected Principal: Wei Zhao, Elected Board Members: Joyce Chau, Huan Lu, Tracy Gao. Congratulations!

Photo Album for 华夏南部中文学校2018年度BBQ活动
The following Photo Album is provided and shared by our school photographer XiaoFeng, as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following link. Thanks to XiaoFeng!
华夏南部中文学校2018年度BBQ活动 (06/02/2018 at Holmdel Park)

School Election 学校选举
华夏南部中文学校即将举行2018-2019年度的校长和董事选举。以下是董事会决定的有关选举的几项事宜,恳请各位家长注意,并希望大家积极参与,尽力支持。 竞选投票日为 6月2日,具体的投票流程安排将由选举委员会讨论决定后公布。参加竞选校长或董事会成员申请截止日为5月29日。本次选举将产生校长一名,董事3名。参选的申请表格请见学校Email附件。董事会委托王剑卫先生协调组织今年的选举工作,有意参加选举委员会帮助组织选举工作的家长,请在尽快前联系王剑卫先生,或电。 作为华夏大家庭的一员,每年的选举是表达您的意见和参与学校建设最好机会。学校鼓励家长们参加竞选校长和董事,共同为我们的孩子营造一个学习、了解和体会中国文化和语言的好环境。
Huaxia South Chinese School will have the 2017-2018 School year of election for the principal and board members. Please see below for the key dates and some details about the election. (1)The election date is 6/02/2017. The details on the schedule will be coming. (2)For this election, one principal and three board members will be elected. If you have interest, please fill out the attached forms in the school email and send to by 11:59 pm of May 29nd, 2017. (3)Our board member Mr. Jason Wang will be in charge of the election. If you want to join the Election Committee, please contact, or email As a member of Huaxia South Chinese School, it is your right and opportunity to get involved in the whole process and voice your opinions. The school needs your support and participation in order to raise the level and status. Let’s work together to generate an even better educational environment for our kids to learn Chinese language and culture and to have stronger and positive perception about China.

Annual BBQ 年度BBQ
年度烧烤本周PTA开始卖票,时间:6月2日4:45PM-7:30PM 地点:Holmdel Park Top Hill 票价:成人$12,儿童(12岁以下,含12岁)$8
Please stop by PTA desk to buy annually BBQ tickets. Time:June 2nd,4:45PM-7:30PM Location:Holmdel Park Top Hill Price:Adult $12; Kids(12 and under)$8

毕业典礼节目筹备 Prepare for Graduation Celebration
The end of school year is approaching. It’s the time for graduation and celebration again. This year the school graduation ceremony will be held on 06/16, the last day of the school year. Please register your show programs to PTA Vice Chair Emily Qin at The deadline is May 19.

2018华夏总校智力运动会 HXHQ Mind-Sports Tournament
2018华夏智力运动会将会于5/20/2018 8点30分-4点30分,在桥水分校举办。现在开始网上报名。报名截止日期为5/13/2018。华夏南部智力运动会总负责:赵巍副校长。 比赛项目有: 围棋、象棋、国际象棋、桥牌、五子棋、国际跳棋、四国大战, 升级和数独。学校会负责报名费和午餐,欢迎大家和孩子们一起来参与。 Huaxia Head Quarter mind-sports tournament will be hold at Bridge Water Huaxia Chinese School on 5/20/2018 from 8:30AM to 4:30PM. The games include Go, chess, Chinese chess, checkers, Backgammon, Student Sudoku, bridge and Shengji (a special card game). If you (students and parents) are interested, please contact Vice Principal Wei Zhao at 更多详情,请参见竞赛规则,和报名表

总校中文辨论比赛 HQ annually Chinese debate competition
总校辩论比赛将在四月底举行,今年的辩题是: 正方:人工智能让世界越来越好,应该发展; 反方:人工智能不能让世界越来越好,应该限制。 4-6年级为中年级组,将由吴仁老师负责; 7年级以上为高年级组,由廖山漫老师负责。请大家向自己的老师报名。各位老师推荐自荐的名单尽早报给廖山漫老师。
Huaxia Annual Chinese Debate Competition will be hold on April 28 at East Brunswick. There will be one team for Grade 4-6, and another team for Grade 7-9. Please let your teacher know if you are interested. Debate topic: Whether Artificial Intelligence is good for our future

Photo Albums for 2018 Hua Xia Chinese New Year Performance & Celebration
The following Photo Albums are provided and shared by our school photographers, as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following link. Thanks Jeff and XiaoFeng!
2018 Hua Xia Chinese New Year Performance by Jeff (02/03/2018)
华夏南部中文学校2018年中国春节联欢会 by XiaoFeng (02/03/2018)

1:30 正常上课
2:00 开始老师们带领孩子们进场
2:10 家长进场
2:15-5:00 文艺演出
5:00-7:00 游戏
5:30–6:15 晚餐
6:15–7:00 魔术表演
7:00–8:00 礼物交换,拍照留念

华夏南部的春节晚会将在2月3日举行,除了传统的文艺演出,晚餐和游戏外,这次会有魔术师前来助阵。还另外新增一个家庭礼物交换活动。让我们一起热热闹闹的过个有惊喜的春节。 PTA出售餐票,成人$12,儿童$8,除非天气原因活动改期,将不予退票。
This year’s New Year Celebration will be held on Feb 3rd. Besides the traditional performance, dinner and games, we will have a magician join us. At the same time, we will have a new activity: family gift exchange. Wish we all have a wonderful New Year surprise. The dinner ticket will be sold on PTA desk, $12 for adult and $8 for children. Those tickets are non-refundable unless the celebration was canceled or changed due to the weather condition.

春季注册 Spring Registration
春季学期网上注册将于12月15日1PM开始 The online registration for Spring Semester will be open from 12/15/2017 1PM

今年华夏南部的春节晚会将在2月3日举行,请同学们老师们赶快准备节目。请将所有节目报给校长叶晶和副校长赵巍。报名截止时间 1/06/2018。本次申报节目原则: 节目不超过22个,本校中文班级节目第一优先;本校文体课程节目第二优先;原则上必须是本校注册学生或出勤超过60%的TA。非本校注册学生上节目,必须注册本校课程。
This year's Chinese New Year celebration will be hold at our school on Feb 3rd,2018. Please prepare and submit your Chinese New Year show program. Please submit your potential programs to Joyce Chau & Wei Zhao at Deadline: 1/06/2018.

校内演讲比赛 Speech & Recitation Tournament @12/2/2017
Huaxia South Chinese School's Chinese Speech&Recitation tournament will be held on 12/02. Everyone from the first grade to the third grade is welcome. Please tell your teacher you want to go! There will be three winners from each grade. And they will represent our school to go to the HQ tournament.

祝贺 Congratulations!
Leading by Jianwei Wang & Weizhong Kong, Huaxia South Chinese School Mind game team won the second place among the 14 teams from all over the NJ Huaxia Chinese Schools in mind-sports tournament last Sunday. Our Chess teacher Mr.Li won the first place in adult Xiangqi, and his team had the wonderful score.Congratulations!

“让书动起来”捐赠义卖 "Moving Books" Book Donation and Sell
由家长会和助教联合组织的图书(包括中英文的,大人小孩的)捐赠和义卖活动于周六(10/14)开始, 持续3周。欢迎各位将家里不需要的、状态良好的图书带到家长会值班台,会有专人负责收集。大家可以根据书的状况标价($0.50~$5.00),贴上价签,由热心的家长和TA们进行义卖。让我们鼓励和欢迎孩子们参与到宣传和义卖中来!义卖剩余的图书将捐助到需要图书的非赢利性机构和学校,让更多人受益。义卖所有收入将全部用于华夏南部的学生活动和礼物购买。希望大家共同努力取得一个不俗的图书交换量和义卖经费!
Starting from this week (10/14), and last for 3 weeks, PTA and TA are running book donation and sale event. All the books in good condition are welcome, English or Chinese books, adults or children books. Please bring your books to PTA table. After sorting and pricing, we will sell the books to all families ($0.5-$5). All proceeds will be used for activities or gifts for our students. By the end of the book donation and sale event, any remaining books will be donated to other places to encourage more people read.

《侨报》小语世界征稿 Chinese essay wanted
《侨报》小语世界征稿。参加班级:三年级至AP班。 字数:只要有时间、地点、人物、故事内容就可,文章可长可短,但最好不超过 800 字。 截稿时间:12/2/17 交稿至
Chinese essay wanted for "Qiao Newspaper" publication. For students from 3rd grade to AP. No more than 800 words, any type of Chinese essay. Deadline: 12/2/17. Contact email:

2017华夏中文总校智力运动会 HXHQ Mind-Sports Tournament
2017华夏智力运动会将于10/22/17 在桥水分校举办,报名截止日期为10/15。请大家发电邮到, 向Jason报名,报名email的 subject 请注明智力运动会,内容包括学生名字,比赛项目,年龄段。学校会继续负责报名费和午餐,欢迎大家一起来参与。 比赛包括:围棋、中国象棋、国际象棋、跳棋、五子棋、学生数独(Student Sudoku)、桥牌、升级等。希望有兴趣的家长、学生积极报名。There is a mind-sports tournament held by Huaxia Head Quarter at Bridge Water Huaxia Chinese School on 10/22/2017. The games include Go, chess, Chinese chess, checkers, Backgammon, Student Sudoku, bridge and Shengji (a special card game). If you (students and parents) are interested, please contact Jason at 更多详情,请参见竞赛规则,和报名表

Photo Album for Marlboro Day 2017
The following Photo Album is provided and shared by our school photographer XiaoFeng, as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following link. Thanks to XiaoFeng!
Marlboro Day 2017(09/10/2017)

Photo Album for 2017 华夏中文学校南部分校毕业典礼
The following Photo Album is provided and shared by our school photographer XiaoFeng, as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following link. Thanks to XiaoFeng!
2017 华夏中文学校南部分校毕业典礼(06/17/2017)

2017-2018新学年注册将从6月11日中午12点开始。下一学年有不少新开设的课程,有些课程人数有限,先到先得,注满为止。学校今年开通PAYPAL和信用卡付款。中文课分班原则按照付款先后。成人和儿童击剑课为学期制,大家注册时要选择秋季学期。如果注册有问题,请发邮件到, 或上微信群咨询。谢谢您和您全家对华夏南部一如既往的关注和支持!
The registration for school year 2017-2018 will start from 12PM on 6/11.Some culture classes has limited seats. The school will accept Paypal and credit card payment this year. Chinese classes will be arranged according to payment date. For registration of adults and children fencing class, please chose semester instead of school year.Thanks for your support as always!

五月初的NJ应该是春意盎然,阳光明媚的时节。然而2017年的5月7日却是阴沉沉的天,但是就在这风雨交加的天气里有一只朝气蓬勃的队伍,以极大的热情参加了一年一度的华夏运动会。他们打起了“华夏南部”的大旗列队于各个分校和方阵里。他们放弃了周末游玩的乐趣,放下家务劳作,拒绝了亲友的来访与邀请,客服了花粉过敏的不适,驱车一个多小时来了,来到了他们热爱的并在此拼搏田径场!他们中有六岁小童,有年过六十的祖父母,有风华正茂的少年,也有这些少年们年纪不轻却充满年轻活力的中年父母。更值得一提的是这个队伍里不光有上场比赛的运动员,还有志愿为运动会服务的热心志愿者。在他们的价值观里,最有意义的一天就是为中文学校,为我们的团队奉献的一天!请点击 欣赏全文 !(作者:王露生)

2017-18 学校选举结果 School Election Result
Here's Huaxia South Chinese School election result for school year 2017-2018.
Elected Principal: Joyce Chau
Elected Board Members: Shanman Liao, Jason Wang, Yufei Wang

Photo Album for 华夏南部中文学校2017年度BBQ活动
The following Photo Album is provided and shared by our school photographer XiaoFeng, as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following link. Thanks to XiaoFeng!
华夏南部中文学校2017年度BBQ活动 (06/03/2017 at Holmdel Park)

Photo Album for 张锦鹏武术学院和杜康宁舞蹈学校盛大开幕典礼
The following Photo Album is provided and shared by our school photographer XiaoFeng, as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following link. Thanks to XiaoFeng!
张锦鹏武术学院和杜康宁舞蹈学校盛大开幕典礼 (05/20/2017)

Annual BBQ 年度BBQ
年度烧烤本周PTA继续卖票。时间:6月3日 4:45PM-7:30PM; 地点:Holmdel Park Top Hill; 票价:成人$10;儿童(12岁以下,含12岁)$5
本年度烧烤将设立Mini Market, 鼓励孩子们拿出自己的玩具、书籍、卡片等到现场摆摊。以物易物,小额现金买卖都欢迎。有意愿参加的请找PTA 赵昀报名。

CSL初级班:第一名:周咏楠,李东华; 第二名:张泽鹏,李东俊; 第三名:马修,张美玲,游思源
一年级一班:第一名:戴易文; 第二名:游丽安娜,欧茜茜,刘致鑫; 第三名:谢艾伦,叶子鑫
一年级二班:第一名:雷雨时; 第二名:林瑞棽,环曦月,张思蒙; 第三名:黄莎斐,陈烁,曹思琦,魏安馨,Anthony Zhang,Andrew Zhang
二年级一班(看图说话):第一名:李牧遥; 第二名:张志宏; 第三名:陈紫涵
二年级二班:第一名:刘待为; 第二名:岳家星; 第三名:徐钰晨
三年级一班:第一名:王析慧; 第二名:林怡萱; 第三名:Emily Lin
三年级二班:第一名:张铎; 第二名:姚雨珊,张梦妍; 第三名:张智博
四年级一班(看图写文):第一名:杨嘉程; 第二名:赵智博; 第三名:苏楚涵
五年级一班:第一名:肖璟瑶; 第二名:刘嘉懿; 第三名:汪俊闻,李天宁
五年级二班:第一名:王兟; 第二名:陈乐蓉,刘博文,郑亚元; 第三名:张悦薇,黄思宁,王思瑶,邓涵宜,林爱欣,陈乐蒨,菜仁光,岳晨曦
六年级二班:第一名:苗佳雨(Jennifer Miao); 第二名:韩凯琳(Kaylin Han); 第三名:张泽熙(Albert Zhang)
八年级一班:第一名:黄橙橙; 第二名:章小雨,林业敏,龚泽棋; 第三名:郑子晴

School Election 学校选举
Huaxia South Chinese School will have the 2017-2018 School year election for the principal and board members. As a member of Huaxia South Chinese School, it is your right and opportunity to get involved in the process and voice your opinions.
1)The election date is 6/03/2017. The details on the schedule will be coming.
2)For this election, one principal and three board members will be elected. If you have interest, please fill out the forms and send to by 11:59 pm of May 28nd, 2017
3)Our board member Liu Dayong will be in charge of the election. If you want to join the Election Committee, please contact him before 05/07/2017, or email
登记表 Forms: 竞选校长 For Principal and 竞选董事 For Board

华夏南部20周年庆义工采访录像 Videos for Volunteers' Interview
以下是华夏南部20周年庆义工采访录像 Following are the Videos for Volunteers' Interview. Please Enjoy!

华夏总校辩论赛结果 HQ annually Chinese debate competition Result
经过3个小时的激烈比赛,我们南部代表队取得了两个团体总分第三名的好成绩。其中7-9年级组的刘悦同学一人独得两个高年级组的最佳辩手奖,4-6年级组的肖璟瑶同学也获得了低年级组的最佳辩手奖。所有参赛的同学都经历了从开始准备阶段的紧张、怀疑到赛场上的兴 奋、从容、自信的转变过程,都表示受益匪浅,期待明年再战。这是一项非常有意义的活动,对提高学生的中文学习兴趣,锻炼学生的综合素质有很大的促进作用。我们期待明年有更多的同学参与到我们的辩论队伍中来,让我们一起再创佳绩 !以下是一些 相片 Enjoy!

南部分校@华夏园地 HXSouth at Huaxia Yuan Di

2017 AIG-华夏田径运动会 (第十九届华夏田径运动会) 将于2017年5月7日 (星期日)在华夏普兰斯堡中文学校举行。现在开始报名。报名截止日期:4月25日。去年我们有很多家庭参与。这次家长会仍会为参加人员提供免费的午餐和T-shirts!希望今年代表我们学校的人更多,华夏南部声势浩大!
HuaXia annual track and field event will be held on 05/07 at Plainsboro HuaXia Chinese School. Please register before due date 4/25. We had many families showed up last year. As usual free T-shirt and lunch will be provide! Join us and have fun!

Photo Album for The HQ Chinese Speech & Recitation Tournament
The following Photo Album is provided and shared by our school photographer XiaoFeng, as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following link. Thanks to XiaoFeng!
The HQ Chinese Speech & recitation tournament (02/11/2017)

总校中文演讲比赛结果HQ Chinese Speech&Recitation tournament result
The Chinese Speech & recitation tournament was held at our school last Saturday. Let's cheer for our students-Ethan Yip,Justin Deng and Wutin Lei for first grade; Serena Lee,Lilian Chen and Andy Zhao for second grade; Peter Zhang, Kayla J. Lin and Audrey Wang for third grade, for their excellent speech! Way to go!

总校中文辨论比赛 HQ annually Chinese debate competition
4月份总校将有中文辨论比赛。 报名从本周起,4-6年级一个队(6人+替补),7-9年级一个队(6人+替补)。请大家向自己的老师报名。
辨论主题:正 - 学生压力大利于成才;反 - 学生压力大不利于成才
Huaxia Headquarter annually Chinese debate competition will be held on April. There will be one team for Grade 4-6, and one team for Grade 7-9. Please let your teacher know if you are interested. Debate topic: Whether pressure is good for success?

在汪杰副教务长和老师的带领下,感谢陈杰老师和孙玉珠老师的大力支持、感谢几位家长的鼎立相帮。我校四——九年级的壁报比赛进行的非常顺利。比赛结果如下 (Thanks our Vice Dean and teacher Wang Jie, thanks teacher Chen Jie and Sun Yuzhu, and thanks for the help from some parents. The Chinese Idioms Drawing Contest is a great success. The result are as below):
第一名 (1st Place): 刘博闻 刘嘉懿 李天宁
第二名 (2nd Place):(1)汪俊闻 陈睿宁 肖璟瑶 (2)林子析 刘致远 赵智博
第三名 (3rd Place): 赵煦之 谢来瑞 Pan Jia Chen 张欣然

Lunar New Year Day Off in Marlboro School District
2017年1月17日,MARLBORO SCHOOL DISTRICT BOE全票通过农历新年为MARLBORO市法定学期假期。这对过农历年的亚裔社区是个重大的好消息。要感谢常务副市长TERRY LAU,前副市长沈惠民,BOE的两位华人学委刘娟和徐玮对此做的大量工作和协调促成。同时也要感谢CAMEL,和社区其他中文学校和众多的支持者。在MONMOUTH COUNTY,目前已经有MARLBORO和HOLMDEL两个镇农历新年放假!
On January 17, 2017, Marlboro school district passed the Lunar new year day off in Marlboro township. It's a great news for the Asian community that celebrate Lunar year. We thank you our two Chinese BOE members, Joanne Liu-Rudel and Ellen Xu work so hard with the BOE members and the administrator to make this possible! Thanks Deputy Mayor Terry Lau and former Deputy Mayor Huimin Shen for your great effort and support as always! We also thank you other Chinese schools in Marlboro, CAMEL and all community supporters! Now we have two school district in Monmouth County, Marlboro and Holmdel, have the Lunar New year day off!

Photo Albums for 20th Anniversary and Chinese New Year Celebration
The following Photo Albums are provided and shared by our school photographers, as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following link. Thanks to XiaoFeng and Jeff!
Huaxia South 20th anniversary performance and Chinese New Year dinner celebration by XiaoFeng (01/21/2017)
Huaxia South 20th anniversary performance and Chinese New Year dinner celebration by Jeff (01/21/2017)

Thanks to our 20th anniversary and Chinese New Year dinner sponsors
2017年1月21日,华夏南部成功举办了二十周年和农历新年庆典。HuaXia South Chinese School had a very successful 20th anniversary and Chinese New Year dinner celebration.
在此我们感谢 Thanks for our sponsors:
Simon Mo (AIG) 冠名赞助20周年庆典及新年演出20th anniversary show Title Sponsor
和乐食品(Well Luck) 冠名赞助20周年及新年晚宴20th anniversary dinner Title Sponsor
美东超市 Asian Food Market; Emma Xu-Sotheby's
Ravissanics Beauty SPA; Koi Sushi & Hibachi;
徐琳医生 Dr.Xu Ling-Southshore Medical Associates; Auto City
Lengxi Gao-Remax; Xin Li-MLD Mortgage
新好运超级市场 Fresh Food Mart; 胡知宇律师 Lawyer Zhiyu Hu
Anna Wang-Keller Williams; 段昌敏眼科中心 Dr.Changmin Duan
曹晋嘉牙医和洪婉卿牙医 Eric & Judy Tsao, DMD
感谢以下 个人 对学校的捐赠:Thanks for the personal sponsor:
新洲中国日主席New Jersey Chinese Festival Chair Lady-Margaret Lam & David Yen; Deputy Mayor of Marlboro-Terry Lau & Gloria Lau; F.N.J Inc-Julie Shen & Paul Shen; American DBAOnline Chairman David Wang & Pediatrician Dr. Aijuan Wang
还有以下 个人:
Joanne Liu-Rudel 刘娟 Albert W.Rudel; Ellen W. Xu 徐玮, Leon Li 李亮; Jie Wang 汪洁, Zhutao Cheng; Joan Cheng 程秋琼, Frank Liu 刘福军

春季注册 Spring 2017 Registration

1.华夏南部中文学校由Simon Mo (AIG)冠名赞助的20周年庆典及新年演出将于01/21/2017在高中举办 (如下雪,改到01/28/2017)。活动时间是下午2:15-4:30。本次大型演出我们请来了变脸王赵乃义老师和上海昆剧团专业武生张耀忠,另外将有超过50%的学生们会登台表演。老师们和孩子们正在积极排练和准备,让我们一起期待精彩。预计当天看表演会人数众多,为了控制入场人数,此次表演将友情售票,每张座位票价$1,所有收入将在表演结束当天用于50/50抽奖。PTA桌本周开始售票。
2.华夏南部中文学校20周年及新年晚宴将于01/21/2017在MIDDLETOWN的皇冠举行,时间6:30-9:30PM (如下雪,改到01/22/2017)。这次可以容纳的人数只有以前的2/3。龙虾大餐,精美奖品,正装晚宴,实名登记。请大家到PTA处买票。

纸张:11*14的绘画纸,绘画形式不限 方式:每人选取自己最满意的一张作品或作文
费用:每人$15刀,截止日期: 12/10/2016
We will have student essay, Drawing & Painting collection to celebrate Huaxia South Chinese School 20th anniversary and Chinese New Year in 01/21/2017. All the participate will receive a free professional Album including your painting or essay.
Eligibility: Any individuals who is or used to be part of our school (student, volunteers, teachers)
Essay: Bilingual essay for any topic; Drawing or Painting: Any theme related to Huaxia South 20th anniversary or Chinese New Year on a 11*14 paper.
Entry Requirements: Every individual can pick 1 of their best drawing or painting or essay。Fees: $15 per individual, submit with your drawing or painting or essay
Deadline: 12/10/2016
How to Enter: Please send one PDF file of your drawing or painting and your original drawing or painting with $15 check to Teacher Wang Jie, email address:

祝贺 Congratulations
Thanks for Huaxia South mind- sports team who joined the tournament held by Huaxia Head Quarter at Bridge Water Huaxia Chinese School on 10/23/2016. Congratulations for adult Chinese Chess - 1st place - Haishan Li; Kids Wuziqi - 5th place - Jing yao Xiao; Chess 5-6 grade - 4th place - Ryan Wang!

20周年校庆采访邀请 Interview Invitation
为配合20周年校庆,我们广发英雄帖,邀请义工们和家庭们来接受采访。影像资料将在剪辑后,放在特制的U 盘里,永久保存。更多细节,请联系Katherine Liu。WeChat: celestecrystal。20 年斗转星移,沧海桑田。当年你手里拉着来学中文的孩童早已成为踌躇满志的青年。曾为中文学校做过贡献的你还记得那些意气风发,满怀理想的青葱岁月吗?你愿意分享你为华夏做过的事情,经历过的华夏的成长吗?你愿意为未来的华夏人提供你的经验和建议吗?请在11/05,11/19,12/03 来学校接受我们青少年义工的采访。
Calling for our old and new volunteers and families! Please don't be shy! Join our volunteers for a short interview on 11/02,11/19 or 12/03. Your interview will be part of our memorable video, and downloaded to a special USB drive for the 20th anniversary celebration! For more details, please contact Katherine Liu。WeChat: celestecrystal。

20周年校庆募款 Fundraising
兵马未动,粮草先行。20周年募款组已经成立。捐款权益和细节见附件。如果您是商家,或知道商家,想要资助我们的活动, 如果您是个人,想为学校的活动添砖加瓦,请联系王露生9736341543,刘福军4125278420,或发邮件到 非常感谢您的支持和帮助。
If you own a business or know business who wants to sponsor our 20th anniversary celebration; or you feel like to help our school by yourself, Please contact Lusheng Wang or Frank Liu, or email Please see fundraising details. Thanks for your help and support!

PTA and Youth Volunteers will run book donation and sales event again this year starting from 10/8 for 3 consecutive weeks. All books with good conditions (new or used, no missing pages, no damage and etc) are appreciated: English/Chinese books, adults/children books. PTA will also organize used Halloween costume donation (with good conditions) and sales during these 3 weeks. Please bring the books and used Halloween costumes to PTA table which is located outside of the admin office. Sale will start at 2:30pm after sorting and pricing. Funds raised by these two sales will be used for students’ activities or gifts. Thanks for your support and your time!

2016华夏中文总校智力运动会 HXHQ Mind-Sports Tournament
2016华夏智力运动会将于10/23/16 在桥水分校举办,报名截止日期为10/17。请大家发电邮到,向Jason报名,报名email的 subject 请注明智力运动会,内容包括学生名字,比赛项目,年龄段。学校会继续负责报名费和午餐,欢迎大家一起来参与。 比赛包括:围棋、中国象棋、国际象棋、跳棋、五子棋、学生数独(Student Sudoku)、桥牌、升级等。希望有兴趣的家长、学生积极报名。
There is a mind-sports tournament held by Huaxia Head Quarter at Bridge Water Huaxia Chinese School on 10/23/2016. The games include Go, chess, Chinese chess, checkers, Backgammon, Student Sudoku, bridge and Shengji (a special card game). If you (students and parents) are interested, please contact Jason at 更多详情,请参见竞赛规则


中文老师的培训从王剑卫副校长的开场白开始。南部中文学校教务长,Caldwell University社会学教授蔡扬博士作了教学大纲,学年教学计划,教案及学习目标的测试的指导。上学年学校领导提出了教学改革,教务组与老师就如何提高教育质量,活跃课堂气氛作了很多探讨。蔡扬教务长化了大量的时间听课,与老师单独交流,从实际出发给老师准备了学年教学计划/教案准备指南。汪杰老师、韦丽萍老师赶出了一年级及二年级的教学大纲/计划供老师们参考讨论。蔡扬教务长生动活泼的演讲后,老师们按低年级、中年级、高年级三个组进行了讨论。
第二项议题是由廖山漫教务长,Old Bridge学区的的资深中文教师,介绍中文教学中文化主题的介入,以丰富学习内容,提高学生学中文的兴趣。这些主题包括:中国人的名字, 我们的根,中国历史,汉字起源,我喜欢的美食,传统节日, 去中国旅游, 中国文学,我乘高铁旅游, 我的学校,新泽西的四季,中华美德,我喜欢的运动 等。 具体做法是:根据课程要求,学生的兴趣和学生的学习经历,学校定期指定一个文化主题, 各年级根据学生程度设计教学活动,把文化内容通过一系列活动向学生介绍。 廖老师还以自己AP 课的设计实例,向老师们介绍了主题教学的完整过程。
青少年义工的培训由张焄老师主持。午饭后,叶晶校长向每位老师颁发了聘书。华夏南路中文学校位于MARLBORO HIGH SCHOOL。学校成立20周年以来,开设有以中文课程和以中国文化为主的文体课程;有针对母语非普通话的孩子们的各级中文班。学校招收年满四周岁以上的儿童及成人。南部大家庭有倾心于为大家服务的义工团队;有专业强、素质高的教务长和教师团队,一直致力于服务社区,传播中文与文化。

Photo Albums for Graduation Celebration 2016
These Photo Albums are provided and shared by our school photographers, as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following link. Thanks!
Huaxia South Chinese School Graduation 2016 by XiaoFeng (06/11/2016)
2016 Huaxia South Graduation Performance by Jeff (06/11/2016)

2016-2017 Registration 学年注册
2016-2017 学年注册开始了! 请大家 网上注册。 06/11/16 – 07/09/16 之间注册者为早注册,注册费半价。 2016-2017 Registration starts now. You can go to Online Registration and enjoy 50% off early registration discount between 06/11/16 – 07/09/16.

2016-17 学校选举结果 School Election Result

School Election 学校选举
This Saturday 06/04 we will have a 2016-2017 school year election of the principal and members of School Board. Please cast your vote.
Agenda on 06/04/2016
2:00pm-2:45pm Candidate speech
2:00pm-4:40pm Ballot claiming and casting
4:40pm-5:00pm Count of votes
2:00-2:45 竞选人演讲
1:45-4:40 领取选票和投票
4:40-5:00 计票

华夏南部2016母亲节卖花卖甜点活动 Photo Album
Here is the photo album of 华夏南部2016母亲节卖花卖甜点活动, provided and shared by 陈述 as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following links. Thanks 陈述!
华夏南部2016母亲节卖花卖甜点活动 by 陈述

总校运动会筹委会更新: 鉴于天气情况,原定于5/1日的本年度的运动会推迟于5/15下星期天举行。 有兴趣的运动员仍可继续报名, 报名截止于5月8日周日晚9时正。Important update from Huaxia Chinese School headquater: Due to the severe weather condition, the Track and Field Games scheduled 5/1 has to be postponed to next Sunday 5/15. Registration deadline is now 5/8 9pm.
[Original: 一年一度的华夏盛事 - 2016 大都会人寿-第十八届华夏田径运动会 将于2016年5月1日(星期日)在华夏普兰斯堡中文学校举行. 现正火热报名中! PTA将在接下来的三周内(4/2,4/9,4/16)接受大家的报名。报名程序请参见 网上注册说明 请大家在网上报名后,再填写附件里的 报名表格 并签名,交给PTA. 学校将为参赛选手支付注册费用,并在当天为参赛家庭准备免费午餐, 期待大家热情参与!
The annual biggest Huaxia Event – The 18th HXTF (track & field) game will be held at West Windsor-Plainsboro High School North on 5/1/2016. Kids and parents are encouraged to come and enjoy the sports and fun while meeting with your old friends. We hope to see you there. Please see the online registration procedure and registration form. Kindly register by registering online and returning the filled form at PTA desk on the coming Saturdays (4/2,4/9,4/16). The registration fee will be covered by school. Our school will provide free food to our athletes.
地址(Event Location):West Windsor-Plainsboro High School North, 90 Grovers Mill Road, Painsboro, NJ 08536. 报名截止日期(Registration deadline): 04/18 /2016 ]

社区服务-麦当劳叔叔之家 Community Reach Out-The Ronald McDonald House
3月20日,我们的青少年义工Victoria Li, Vanessa Li, Kaylee Wang, Ivy Wang, Jadi Wang, Timothy Chau在PTA成员的带领下来到了位于Long Branch的The Ronald McDonald House。青少年们洗菜切菜、拍肉、做蛋挞和饼干,忙得不亦乐乎。她们用两个小时的时间,和PTA成员们一起,准备了3道菜,1份主食和2份甜点。
On March 20th, along with HXSCS PTA volunteers, Victoria Li, Vanessa Li, Kaylee Wang, Ivy Wang, Jadi Wang, Timothy Chau came to The Ronald McDonald House in Long Branch to help with caring cook. The teenagers helped with food preparation and baking. They cooked 3 dishes, 1 main course, and 2 desserts.
There were 4 families living in the "home away from home" house that day. Nothing says “home” like families sharing a meal. Hope they can feel relax and relief when the seriously ill children and their families enjoy the home-cooked meal that day.
We come to the Chinese School every weekend. Except learning Chinese language, we can do some community services together. You can learn from real life experience; encourages civic responsibility and make a difference. Every person counts! At the same time, volunteering is how HuaXia South Chinese School can be here to serve the community for years and years.

Our teachers are usually part-time. Since they all have a busy life, we need many substitute teachers. The sub teachers are the right path to be regular ones. If you are interested in teaching Chinese, have BAs or higher degrees, have passions for kids, have patience in kids and are willing to try new methodologies in teaching, please email your resumes to Thanks a lot for your support.

我校九年级 张安然 同学2月5日举行的《侨报》第四届青少年儿童中文写作大赛新泽西地区复赛中,夺得少儿组第一名。我们向她表示热烈祝贺!

非常感谢各位家长、同学、老师和学校团队对上周(2月13日)举办的摄影比赛的大力支持。得票最高的三张照片分别是:陈学静的“义工晓风”;Andrew Han的“功夫少年”;和AP班王珺的“三猴添喜”。恭喜你们的得奖!其中特别要感谢林晓风多年如一日的敬业精神和付出!请点击欣赏作品。(家长会 HuaXia South PTA)

2016 华夏南部中文学校春节联欢 (2/6/2016) Photo Albums
Here are the photo albums of 2016 Chinese New Year Celebration at Huaxia South, provided and shared by our school photographers as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following links. Thanks Xiao Feng!
2016 华夏南部中文学校春节联欢 by XiaoFeng Lin

学校将于2/6 举行猴年春节庆祝活动,本周将会在PTA处开始售票。今年的庆祝活动将包括文艺演出、游戏和抽奖等丰富多彩的内容。如果您家有各类全新未开封的书籍、家庭用品、玩具、厨房用品、家庭装饰等, 请考虑捐赠给学校作为抽奖用途。我们也感谢您的公司来参与捐赠!同时也欢迎各种金额的礼物卡。所有捐赠的物品,将用于活动当天的抽奖活动!
The school will host annual Chinese New Year Party on 2/6. All families are welcomed to join us to celebrate traditional spring festival, the year of monkey. Please buy your tickets at PTA table this Saturday. The party will feature performance, games, and prize drawing etc. You are welcomed to donate new books, household items, toys, kitchenware, house decoration or maybe donate something from your business. It's a great way to promote your business! Gift Cards in any amount are also welcome. All donated items will be used for prize drawing!

要求:内容欢快、色彩鲜艳、自由发挥。可由学生独立完成,也可以全家共同作画。班级和姓名请写在正面下方。2/6/15 学校春节联欢会当日交给本班老师,再由老师(或TA)交到学校办公室给汪杰老师

华夏中文学校南区2016年朗诵演讲比赛 Photo Albums
Here are the photo albums of Hua Xia Chinese School 2016 Regional Speech Competition provided and shared by our school photographers as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following links. Thanks!
华夏中文学校南区2016年朗诵演讲比赛 by XiaoFeng Lin
Hua Xia Chinese School 2016 Speech Competition (1) by Jeff Wang
Hua Xia Chinese School 2016 Speech Competition (2) by Jimmy Chen
Hua Xia Chinese School 2016 Speech Competition (3) by Hongyan Zhao

*形式:自由选题, 形式不限,可朗诵,讲故事,绕口令等,不能配乐。

2015年11月14日-15日,由“大都会人寿”冠名赞助的华夏中文学校教学研讨会暨教师年会在新泽西州 Somerset 的 DoubleTree 会议中心举行,来自华夏各分校及社会各界嘉宾近三百人参加了会议。详情请见近期 华夏园地

Marlboro Township Youth Exchange Program
Information Session on November 18, 2015 for Marlboro Township Youth Exchange Program. For detail, click here

Shared Photo Albums by Xiao Feng
Another new photo album is provided and shared by Lin, Xiao Feng as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following links. Thanks Xiao Feng!
8th Annual Marlboro MultiCultural Day 2015, Nov. 01, 2015
Marlboro Day 2015, Sept. 20, 2015


PTA & TA Book Donation and Book Sale Event‏ 图书捐助和销售活动
For the purpose of getting kids involved in nonprofits fundraising activities, and increasing interest in reading, every Saturday from this week (10/10) to the end of this month(10/31), PTA and TA are running book donation and book sale event. All the books are welcome, English or Chinese books; adults or children books, but books must be in good condition. Please bring your books to PTA table which is located outside of the office. After sorting and pricing, we will sell the books to all families. All proceeds will be used for activities or gifts for our students. By the end of the book donation and book sale event, any remaining books will be donated to library or other places which need those books. Thanks for your support and time!

2015华夏中文总校知宇杯乒乓球公开赛 HXHQ PingPong Tournament
比赛时间: 2015年10月31日星期六
地点:LYTTC国际乒乓球学院 370 North Ave, Dunellen, NJ 08812

2015华夏中文总校智力运动会 HXHQ Mental Game Tournament
为弘扬中国文化,活跃中文学校文化生活,促进学校文体交流,华夏中文学校总校将于10/18/2015在 桥水分校 举办 2015华夏中文学校智力运动会。比赛包括:围棋、中国象棋、国际象棋、跳棋、五子棋、学生数独(Student Sudoku)、桥牌、升级等。
There is a mental game tournament held by Huaxia Head Quarter at Bridge Water Huaxia Chinese School on 10/18/2015. The games include Go, chess, Chinese chess, checkers, Backgammon, Student Sudoku, bridge and Shengji (a special card game). If you (students and parents) are interested, please contact Ms Wang,

2015-2016 Registration 学年注册
2015-2016 学年注册开始了! 请大家 网上注册。 6/26/15 – 07/31/15 之间注册者为早注册, 免交注册费。 2015-2016 Registration starts now. You can go to Online Registration and enjoy $15 early registration discount between 6/26/15 – 07/31/15.

Huaxia South Graduation 2015 Photo Albums (June 13,2015)
Here are two Huaxia South Graduation Ceremony 2015 Photo Albums provided and shared by XiaoFeng Lin and Jeff Wang as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following links. Thanks XiaoFeng and Jeff!
Huaxia South Chinese School Graduation 2015 by XiaoFeng
Huaxia South Chinese School Graduation 2015 by Jeff

2015-16 学校选举结果 School Election Result
2015-2016 Election committee 选举委员会

School Election 学校选举
1) 5/30 竞选投票日,具体的日程会提前公布。
2) 5/22 参加竞选校长,董事会成员申请截止。这次选举会产生校长一名, 董事3名。如果您愿意参选,请填写相关表格后于截止日前发到电子邮箱
3) 5/8 校选举委员会正在招慕选举委员会成员。如果你愿意担任志愿工作者为大家服务,请于5月8号11:59pm之前发电子邮件到 我们鼓励大家踊跃参加以增加代表的多样性和广泛性。
Huaxia South Chinese School will have the 2015-2016 School year of election for principal and Board members. Please see below for key dates and some details about the election.
(1) Election date, 5/30/2015.
(2) For this election, one principal and three Board members will be elected. If you have interest, please fill out the forms and send to by 11:59 pm of May 22nd, 2015.
(3) The Election committee is recruiting members to operate the election. Diversity and wide representativeness is pursued for the committee composition. If you are interested in, please send an email to by 11:59 pm of May 8th, 2015.
登记表 Forms: 竞选校长For Principal and 竞选董事For Board

2015(第十七届)华夏田径运动会将于2015年5月3日(星期日)在华夏普兰斯堡中文学校举行,运动会的准备工作已经启动。请同学们和家长们尽可能参加。报名截止: 2015/04/13。另外为了鼓励大家,前50名报名的,学校将免掉报名费。
1. 比赛地点: West Windsor-Plainsboro High School North; 90 Grovers Mill Road, Painsboro, NJ 08536
2. 报名注意事项 请见此。每位运动员限报两个单项(接力不算)。
3. 报名程序: 请先在网上注册,请参见步骤。没有网上注册报名无效。再凭填好的个人报名表到PTA desk缴费$2/每人。

Photo Albums
These Photo Albums are provided and shared by Xiao Feng Lin, as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following links. Thanks Xiao Feng!
HuaXia South Chinese School Chinese New Year Celebration 2015 (02/14/2015)
Huaxia Chinese School Speech Contest 演讲比赛 (01/10/2015)
Joanne Liu-Rudel sworn in BOE of Marlboro (01/06/2015)
Marlboro Multi-Cultural Day 2014 (12/07/2014)
Celebration of Joanne BOE Campaign Victory (11/23/2014)
Huaxia Chinese School Teachers Conference 2014 (11/15/2014)
Marlboro Day 2014 (09/17/2014)

一年一度的4-9年级华夏中文学校总校辩论比赛将于4/25/2015举行。我校将派队出征,参加南区七校比赛。 为备战此次大赛,学校将成立辩论队。详情请看 报名通知报名表。学校鼓励4-9年级同学积极报名参与。

春节联欢会 Chinese New Year Celebration
春节联欢会将于二月十四日举行。学校有关人员正在紧锣密鼓地筹备,老师和学生们也在积极准备参演节目。 PTA将于一月三十一日起开始出售餐卷,价格与去年持平,大人$8,儿童$5。除了传统的精彩春节歌舞表演,小朋友们的自娱自乐,丰盛的春节大餐,学校还准备了最新国产贺岁大片电影,还有小朋友最喜爱的有奖游戏游园活动,而且我们还专门请到了新泽西州著名的魔术师John Carlson。此外每人都有机会抽到各种幸运奖品。老少咸宜,不容错过,请大家及时到PTA购票。

上星期 (1/10/2015) 我们举办了总校的一,二,三年级演讲比赛。我们的学生取得了好成绩,他们是:
Last Saturday we held a speech contest for regional Huaxia Chinese schools.We have got three second awards and five third awards. The contesters are getting better every year.

Consent Forms
The following is two consent forms. One is to "Allow" the school to post your children' pictures or video on our school web page. The other one is "NOT Allow". Please print one of them, fill and sign it and return it to school.
Yes, Grant Form 同意信
No, Deny Form 不同意信



新学年注册 Registration 2014-2015‏
2014-2015‏ 新学年开始注册,请阅读 招生简章, 上网 注册。7月25日之前注册免交注册费。
The registration for next academic year 2014-2015 has started. Please read the Policy and go to our web site to Register online. You can enjoy a waiver of registration fee until 07/24/2014.

Shared Photo Albums by Xiao Feng
Two more Photo Albums are provided and shared by Lin, Xiao Feng as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following links. Thanks Xiao Feng!
HuaXia South Chinese School Graduation 2014, Jun 8, 2014
Huaxia South Chinese School BBQ at Holmdel Park , May 31, 2014

学校选举结果 School Election Result
华夏南部中文学校2014-2015学年校长和董事会选举5月17日在学校成功举行。易成当选为我校下一学年校长,刘娟, 徐玮和刘福军当选为董事会成员。我们感谢所有愿意付出时间和精力为学校服务的参选人。
The election committee has officially announced the new Principal and Board Members, effective on 8/1/2014: Huaxia South Chinese school 2014-2015 school year election was held on 05/17 in the school. Cheng Yi was elected as the next year principal, and Joanne Rudel, Ellen Xu, and Frank Liu were elected as board members. Congratulation to them. We thank all the candidates for their willingness to serve the school.
Election committee, Huaxia South Chinese school

BBQ开始售票 /Tickets On Sale
学校定于5月31日第四单元考试结束后,在Holmdel Park 举行BBQ。本周家长会开始售票,票价为:成人(含13岁及以上)每位 $8,13岁以下每位 $5。5月31日票价为:成人(含13岁及以上)每位 $10,13岁以下每位 $7。除非因故取消,已售出的票不可退还。欢迎大家提前购买。
School is planning to have BBQ on 5-31 at Holmdel Park after the fourth unit test. PTA will start to sell tickets on this weekend: Price for adults including 13 years and older is $8.00 per person, Kids under 13 is $5.00 per person. On 5-31, the price for adults including 13 years old and older will be increased to $10.00 per person, and the price for kids under 13 years old will be $7.00 per person. Tickets are non-refundable unless the event is cancelled. Please plan your purchase accordingly.


School Election 学校选举
学校选举委员会决定5月17日举行校长和董事会的选举,5月14日为参选者递交登记表的截止期。登记表请寄至 。学校欢迎各位家长踊跃报名参加,尤其鼓励新面孔参与学校的管理和发展。请大家不要错过这个非常好的为学校服务的机会。登记表: 竞选校长, 竞选董事
School's election committee has decided to operate the school's principal and board member election on May 17th. May 14th is the deadline for candidates to submit their registration forms. Please email your registration form to It's a great opportunity for parents to express your opinions and participate the school's management and strategic decisions. Don't miss it. Please see the registration forms: For Principal, For Board

2014 Seniors Fun Day
Date: 5/10/2014, 2:00 - 3:00 PM; Place: Marlboro Township Recreation Center
Click Here for Details

2014 大都会人寿-华夏田径运动会 (第十六届华夏田径运动会) 将于2014年5月4日(星期日)在华夏普兰斯堡中文学校举行。 我校将组织运动队参加,欢迎学生们踊跃报名。

Shared Photo Albums by Xiao Feng
Several Photo Albums are provided and shared by Lin, Xiao Feng as a courtesy to our school members. You are welcomed to view them via the following links. Thanks Xiao Feng!
HXS Chinese School Chinese New Year 2014 Celebration, Feb. 08, 2014
HX South Regional Speech Contest, January 11, 2014
Marlboro Day 2013, Sep 8, 2013
HXS Chinese School Graduation 2013, Jun 22, 2013

Students Chinese Writing 《华夏园地》和《小语世界》中文作品征稿
《华夏园地》和《小语世界》第二次我校专栏定于5月2日发刊,学生向老师交稿截止日期是4月5日,欢迎学生积极参与写作。学生作品须使用Microsoft Word格式,通过email交给老师。作品要写明学生年级、姓名和指导老师姓名。
The second time for our school to host students Chinese writing columns in "Huaxia Yuandi" and "Xiaoyu World" will be on May 2nd, 2014. Parents, please encourage students to participate. Free topics, any format and length will be acceptable. Works have to use Chinese punctuation, must be in Microsoft Word format and email to the teacher. Also please specify the student's grade level, name and instructor name. Submission deadline is April 5th 2014.

二等奖 2nd place:王允燕
三等奖 3rd place:王梓铭,江雨晴,黄珊莹,邓涵宜,黄思宁,陈兆和,苗佳雨
Our school successfully hosted HuaXia Chinese School South Regional Speech Contest last week. Students from six different schools played very well during the contest. Congratulations on your excellent results! Special thanks go to parents, members of PTA, school admin and board for your help and support!

中国新年庆祝活动售票开始 Chinese New Year Celebration Party Ticket
提前购买票价为:成人(含13岁及以上)每位 $8,13岁以下每位 $5。
二月八号票价为:成人(含13岁及以上)每位 $12,13岁以下每位 $8。
Our school will celebrate Chinese New Year on February 8th, 2014. The snow date is February 15th.
Ticket Price for 13 years and older is $8, Kids under 13 years old is $5. On February 8th, the price for 13 years and older will be increased to $12, and the price for kids under 13 years old will be $8 .
Sold tickets are non-refundable unless it is cancelled. Please plan your purchases accordingly!

Students Chinese Writing 《华夏园地》和《小语世界》中文作品征稿
《华夏园地》和《小语世界》每年有两次我校中文作品专栏,请家长鼓励学生们积极投稿。自由选题,形式不限,长短皆可。作品要用中文标点符号,须使用Microsoft Word格式,通过email交给老师。作品要写明学生年级、姓名和指导老师姓名。第一次交稿截止日期为12/15,请大家及早准备。
Our school will host students Chinese writing columns in "Huaxia Yuandi" and "Xiaoyu World" twice a year. Parents, please encourage students to participate. Free topics, any format and length will be acceptable. Works have to use Chinese punctuation, must be in Microsoft Word format and email to the teacher. Also please specify the student's grade level, name and instructor name. First submission deadline is 12/15, please prepare early.

New School Year Starts 9/21/2013 新学年开学
Time 1:30pm - 4:20pm
The folllowing is for your information:
1. Registration information and enrollment notice can be found in your account 注册信息和入学通知书须在学校网上自己帐号里查询: click here
2. School Calendar 学校校历: click here
3. School floor map 教室分布图: click here
4. Online Application for Class Transfer / Dropout 网上转、退课申请级收费规定: click here

学校诚招优秀中学生加盟我校教师助理团队, 请到以下网址click here 查询详情。有兴趣的同学,可将填好的申请表Email给学校教务长团队。学校教务长团队会评估同学们的申请。

华夏中文学校2013年毕业典礼于6月16日下午在新州Rutgers大学Cook校园中心礼堂成功举办。下午两点,在热情欢乐的音乐中,在华夏老师欣慰的注视下,各位毕业生按照所在的分校列队入场,在礼堂前排就座,会场响起热烈的掌声。毕业典礼由李盛京副总校长主持,王坚总校长致开幕词。王坚先生首先祝贺所有毕业学生通过国家汉办考试而顺利毕业,衷心感谢各位老师的辛勤劳动。王总校长指出,过去的一年是华夏成功的一年,此次毕业典礼是华夏中文学校的又一个里程碑,华夏所有师生员工为此感到无比骄傲。 详情请看华夏中文学校 总校网站

Photos for HuaXia South Chinese School BBQ 2013
The photos for HuaXia South Chinese School BBQ 2013 event can be viewed and donwloaded by clicking the photo album link: Photos for HuaXia South Chinese School BBQ 2013 . Thanks to Xiaofeng!

学校选举结果 School Election Result
The election committee has officially announced the new Principal and Board Members, effective on 8/1/2013: Huaxia South Chinese school 2013-2014 school year election was held on 06/01 in the school cafeteria. Jian Liu was elected as the next year principal, and Chongjin Xie, Xiaofen Lin and Sen Ye were elected as new board members. Congratulation to them. We thank all the candidates for their willingness to serve the school.
Election committee, Huaxia South Chinese school

“岁岁有花红,又到花红日”。在中文教育园丁的辛勤耕耘之下,六月里的华夏园地正是鲜花盛开的地方。“2013届华夏中文学校毕业典礼”定于6月16日在新泽西州的New Brunswick Rutgers Student Center举行,近300名朝气蓬勃的华夏学子即将获得华夏中文学校毕业证书及毕业纪念奖杯。毕业典礼上,还将颁发“优秀毕业生奖杯”,并向离任的分校校长和总校义务工作人员颁奖。来自纽约、宾州、康州、新泽西州等地区20家分校的学生、老师、家长和义务工作人员将欢聚一堂,共庆盛典。
2:00 pm PROCESSIONAL: Pomp and Circumstance入场
2:15 pm WELCOME欢迎词
3:20 pm AWARDS向离任的校长和义务工作人员颁奖

6/01 一至八年级第四单元考试复习大纲发下
6/15 一至八年级第四单元考试

学校于六月三日开始下学期注册,请关注注册须知。下学年上课时间改为:午后1:30 – 4:30.

2013年华夏杯排球赛于五月十八日在Powerzone 排球中心落下帷幕。来自八所中文学校的11支队伍经过一整天的的鏖战,决出高下。最终实力雄厚的李文斯顿女队,学生队,以及爱迪生男队分别获得各个组别的冠军。详情请参见华夏中文学校总校网页

本届田径运动会经过五月五号一整天的比赛顺利落下帷幕。大费城分校获得团体总分第一名。获得团体总分第二名和第三名的是:桥水分校和普兰斯堡分校。我们在此向取得优胜的学校和所有运动员们表示祝贺。同时我们也要感谢那些默默奉献的志愿者们。他们是把华夏运动会推向胜利的幕后英雄:王宏,陈晓东,孙儒林,于晖,王海林,赵晓华,石伟,黄志一,徐立群,阎明,郝若飞, 许兰薇,王舰,谢少平,谷灵,刘健,林合,刘浩怡医师, 李久耀,吕敏伟,王坚。感谢各分校领队:George Meng, 王晓兰, 沈晓乐,卜光明, 许兰薇, 叶森, 王海林, 丁燕波, 李燕君, 张逊, Harry Huang。感谢支持赞助运动会的大都会人寿,都市保险,Mastermind College Funding和林伯修医生。最后我们要诚挚感谢东道主东部分校为运动会的成功所做的贡献。更多消息和运动会照片请参见华夏中文学校总校网页

在2013年春暖花开的日子里,华夏中文学校成功举办了一年一度的中文辩论比赛。此次比赛由华夏中文学校所属的十八所分校参加,分别在三个赛区进行。南区赛场设在普兰斯堡分校,共有六所分校,包括普兰斯堡、东部、南部、中部、樱桃山、和大费城分校;中区赛场设在北部分校,共有六所分校参加,包括北部分校、李文斯顿北部、奔腾、爱迪生、桥水、和里海谷分校;北区赛场设在大纽约分校,共有六所分校参加,包括大纽约、纽约中心、博根、哈德逊、长岛、和康州分校。华夏中文学校的老师和学生普遍认为,此次比赛不仅锻炼了学生的口语能力,而且增强了学生的社交能力,并且极大地提高了学生学习中文的积极性。各区比赛总结、照片和更多细节请参见 华夏中文学校总校网页

School Election 学校选举
校选举委员会公布几个日期, 再次提醒家长们注意:
4/27 – 参加选举委员会,担任志愿工作者申请截止
5/18 – 参加竞选校长,董事会成员申请截止
6/01 – 竞选投票日, 选出校长一名, 董事3名。
学校鼓励家长们参加竞选校长和董事, 积极参与学校的各项制度的制定,监督和日常工作管理。有意者请填写竞选校长,董事会成员申请表。填好后电邮至 或封好交给校办公室。
The time for electing new Principal and Board member has been scheduled as
4/27 – applying volunteers for voting group due
5/18 – applying for the candidates of principal and board member due
6/01 – the voting day for one principal and 3 board members

Click here for 2013年华夏之星部分照片 and also here
华夏中文学校 文艺部/宣传部Huaxia Chinese School Headquarters

School Time will be Changed for Next School Year (To be confirmed)
Next school year 2013-2014 will operate at afternoon 2:00pm to 5:00pm (need to confirm with Freehold District), which will impact some families' schedule. We are sincerely sorry for this change but we have no choice. Please set your plan in advance. 学校下学年将改为下午2:00-5:00pm(暂定)。 时间的改变将为许多家庭带来不便,十分抱歉。 请大家尽早做出安排。

总校消息: 华夏中文学校2013毕业考试在新州和纽约州举行
华夏中文学校毕业考试于二零一三年三月二十三日和二十四日分别在新泽西州和纽约州分南,中,北三个考区举行。来自华夏各分校的两百多名毕业生参加了今年的毕业考试。三个考区均按预定的时间进行,考场秩序井然,考务工作紧紧有条 。
今年是华夏总校第二次采用中国国家汉办的 HSK 标准化考试。考前两个月时间里,毕业考试组委会就考生报名注册,监考老师认证和考场设备等准备工作召开了五次电话会议。 张悦,林树民,吕敏伟,李盛京,林红, 仲宇等参加过去年 HSK 准备工作的老师介绍并总结了第一次 HSK 考试的经验。组委会在此基础上制定了详细的2013毕业考试试行规则,并将各项具体工作任务分配到人。由林树民,张悦和周英老师分别负责南,中,北区的考务工作。组委会对每项工作的进展都通过电话会议及时检查,保证按时完成。
华夏南部分校,奔腾分校和纽约中心学校分别承办了南区,中区和北区的毕业考试。这三所华夏分校的校长叶森,曹惟正和戴扬对总校的毕业考试给予了全力支持。考场的教室布置,监考老师的安排, 考场布置和设备,以及考试当天的接待工作都做得非常完满。
经过两年的实践,采用标准化 HSK 作为华夏毕业考试的方案已经获得了成功。我们积累了一些考试组织工作的经验,有二十四位老师已经通过了国家汉办主考和监考人员的认证。通过主办过去两次 HSK 考试,我们华夏同仁认真负责的工作态度也得到了国家汉办考试中心的认可。

网上注册系统维护升级完成,重新开放。Our school's online registration system has been upgraded and reopen for you.

Marlboro Wujiang Youth Exchange program Marlboro/吴江少年交换项目
Marlboro 和中国浙江吴江市少年交换项目需要您的支持:项目领导小组邀请您和孩子参加下周四(2/21/2013)在iPlayAmerica 举办的“欢乐傍晚”晚会。 游戏包括: Jump Around, Happy Swing, Dizzy Dragons, Sky Scrapper, Kite Flyer, plus 4D Motion Theater, iPA Speedway (Go Carts), spin zone (Bumper Cars) and cosmic battle (Laser tag), plus 22 game credits. 具体参加方法参见附件。 希望您与您的孩子有一个快乐的傍晚。

Have a Happy, Healthy and Safe Chinese New Year!
大家也许不知道,康州Newton 遇难的孩子中有一个华夏康州分校的学生。 中国新年之际, 华夏总校代表全体华夏学生,教师,家长和志愿者向遇难的华夏孩子送上花篮, 祭祀死者,安慰亲人。南部学校再次强调,节日期间,居安思危,安全第一, 庆祝第二。 校董事会已经向市警局通报了春节联欢会推迟到下周六举行。届时,市警局许诺将安排巡逻时间延长至下午4:00点。

关于请愿设定农历新年为国家假日的签名已经超过了2万5千人。希望大家上 投票。我们还需要继续努力!

学校网上注册系统目前正在维护更新中,暂停开放。不便之处,敬请原谅。家长值班安排也因此不能正确显示于本网站。请以PTA 的通知为准。We will try the best to bring the system back soon.

教学心得体会交流: 教华裔儿童学写汉字 By 金春

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